How to use GetEdb

A quick guide on how to download EDB files and open them using ClassIn.

Step 1
Choose any EDB file from the library that you'd like to download and click on the "Get this EDB" button.
Step 2
Click on "Get this" and Fill out the following information: name and email address. If you're downloading a free file just enter "0" and click on the "Pay" button (you won't be charged anything). Then, click on the "Download" button to download. In addition, you'll receive an email with a downloadable link.
Step 3
Save the EDB file on your local drive and open ClassIn. If you want to make some changes and explore the EDB file first open Blackboard, then click on the Tools icon -> Open File. Then choose the EDB file that you've just downloaded.

When you'll have a class, simply do the same. Click on the Tools icon -> File and then choose the EDB file.